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Take care and best wishes to you and yours. See you again soon.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year

So we are now in 2011. I hope that it brings all of us loves, laughs and new adventures.

I thought I'd run through the year that's just been with a few pics thrown in for good measure. Here we go....


Pretty quiet month which suited me fine. Work etc continued as normal. Not much excitement.


Started off uneventful. We had tickets to see AC/DC play in Sydney. We didn't go. Pete did his back in two days before and was bed bound for several days!! We couldn't get rid of the tickets (surprisingly) and so that was an expensive non-event. Pete's back did improve thankfully and though he still has bulging discs, he's mobile and most of the time pain free! His recovery might have been due to the caring help of our cat Tucker during Pete's convalescence.


Had a few lovely events. My friend got married in a very simple ceremony and looked blissfully happy. Pete and I visited Port Stephens for a weekend away. It's so pretty up there. I went to see Eddi Reader in concert and discovered she likes to blether alot between songs but you end up forgiving her cos her voice is divine.


Was a busy month for concert going. Carole King with James Taylor was a relaxing, easy way to spend an evening. Regina Spektor is just a little bit kooky. Finally, Henry Rollins who was as usual amazingly funny. If you've never seen him, I urge you to do so. It'll be two hours of your life that go by so fast but you'll remember for a long time.
My friend Laura was super dooper excited to finally become an Australian citizen yaaay.
Oh and Pete turned 40 :-D


New Zealand. How utterly beautiful the south island is. The north island aint too bad either right enough! The reason for visiting was to obtain my Australian Residency Visa. It was a hassle but it was worth it for the stunning scenery.

June, July, August

Nothing of any great note. Life continued on as it always does. The gas heater and the two kerosene heaters did their duty keeping me warm on the cold winter nights. Yes, yes I know those of you from colder climes think I'm a woos but we don't have that wonderful invention called central heating so the house is bloody freezing in winter. We also have tiled floors with exception of the bedrooms which is a tad chilly underfoot. Brrr.


My birthday. My trip home to Scotland for the party celebrating the 70th birthday of two of my uncles.


Another gig. My first and last time seeing Powderfinger. They were awesome, even if we did have to go to Canberra to see them. We also attended the wedding of one of Pete's sisters. Nic looked lovely and so did her two girls. Their Nan did such a good job making the girls' dresses.


Gigs again...Robin Williams who I paid an obscene amount of money to see and felt a little ripped off when it was over. Crowded House, who I've seen before but this time they were really off their game. Sadly it was my friend Laura's first and most likely last time of seeing them given their performance. Hey ho. Can't win em all. We did however enjoy a visit to Sculptures by the Sea which happens every year near Bondi. See Here

Pete also buggered off to Adelaide for a week for work. I had the bed all to myself which was lovely. I did miss him though and so did the furry boys.


Was... preparing for Christmas, or running around at the last minute like everyone else! Being pleased not to be at home in Scotland given the weather they've been having. Returning to my usual job after filling in on higher duties for a colleague. I've already posted enough about this here and here if you want to read more. Sending Mum and Jim to Germany for the Christmas markets and to meet The Mad American and his lovely (but sneaky) wife!

My blood tests showed that my Hb was just below normal range so I am slightly anaemic and back on iron tablets for a couple of months. It also showed that my cholesterol is really good which I was delighted about. Otherwise my results were within normal limits so that's a relief. He did give me a referral to have sleep studies done though so I'll be making an appointment for those soon.

We had a quiet time over the festive season which was lovely. I made Christmas dinner with my new invention called roast potato crumble. My potatoes were slightly over par-boiled and fell to bits before roasting. They were edible tho! Joining the other millions in downtown Sydney for the NYE fireworks does nothing for either of us so we stayed at home watching the show on TV.

As for New Year resolutions....I'm not making any. I never keep em.

So we'll see what 2011 will bring for all of us. I hope it brings you here again.

Here's hoping for a good one. *fingers crossed*


christie said...

looks like you've had a great 2010 - scotland looked fun :)

hope 2011 is fabulous for you and your family

Come and enter my very first giveaway if you like...
xx Christie

Elspeth said...

ew at that photo of us! How awful! It should be my new years resolution to stay away from cameras while drunk :)