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Wednesday, November 10, 2010


twice in one month so far...how long will it last I ask myself?

So, from tomorrow for almost 4 weeks, I embark on a new role at work. I'm attempting to fill the very large shoes of a colleague who has buggered off on a well deserved holiday.

Now, this seemed like a good idea when I volunteered myself several months ago but now it's almost tomorrow I'm not so sure hehe! The RN I'm covering for has changed the clinic department massively since she began last December. Now the job is quite a challenge and no two days are the same. She copes admirably with the abuse and whingers (both staff and patients) every day and seems to still have a smile on her face.

We are very different personalities and I'm not so tolerant of the eejit population we come into contact with on a regular basis. I also sadly lack her skills of abstract thinking and instant problem solving. So you see why I'm beginning to regret putting my name forward?

I'm thinking that if, by the time she returns, I've not lamped someone or gotten myself fired I'll have done a good job LOL. There are administrative things to do which I can ask for help on if I need it but it's the day to day decision stuff I'm panicking about. Everyone seems to call her name and I'm not sure how she copes with it. Watching her at work makes my head spin sometimes never mind actually doing the job. I like to do one thing at a time minus interruptions so basically I'm fucked right from the start. :- (

I tell myself it'll be a challenge and that it's only for 3.5 weeks but I'm not sure I'm convincing myself. I guess I'm just gonna have to give it a go. As long as no-one dies I think I'll get away with it ;- ) The lady I'm being understudy for will receive a warm welcome back upon her return especially from me!

I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

1 comment:

ScottishPrincess said...

You'll be fine. You have loads of experience and probably know a lot more than you're giving yourself credit for. As for lamping eejits - if I can manage trip to the job centre without lamping anyone (as I did this morning) I'm sure you can resist as well.
M x