
...thanks for stopping by.

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Take care and best wishes to you and yours. See you again soon.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Has it been that long...

since I last blogged?! Shame. On. Me. *hangs head*

It is said,
'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'.
Now, off the top of my head I've no idea who actually said this but it's true. Over this last year I've intended to do a lot of things. How many have I accomplished? Not as many as I'd like. The list of intentions goes something like this...

  • Losing weight
  • Getting fit
  • Having a usable craft room and actually using it
  • Clearing clutter (or stopping myself accumulating more of the damn stuff)
  • Saving money for a rainy day
  • Keeping in touch with family and friends more often
  • Trying not to stress and be crabbit all the time, both at home and work
  • Writing in this blog regularly as well as reading all my favourites
... Yadda Yadda Yadda. Sounds like a New Year Resolution list doesn't it?

I procrastinate. I become absorbed in the internet/Facebook/Blogs rather than be productive. I have books I could be reading, cupboards I could be cleaning, crafty things I could be finishing (as I'm the Queen of the incomplete sewing project) and many other wonderfully interesting pastimes too numerous to mention. Nothing gets finished as I seem to have the attention span of a goldfish. Or maybe I just don't see things through to the end (oooh that's deep for this time on a Friday night LOL) but lets not go down that road at this point in time shall we? Dangerous territory lies there methinks.

Anyway, as I've promised before to this blog, I'm gonna try harder. Not just on blogging more often but on all the other stuff I've mentioned above. Maybe if I put it out there in cyberspace I'll have to follow it through and commit properly...then again maybe not who knows.

"There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet, William Shakespeare
(or the fabulous movie L.A Story with Steve Martin and the philosophical road sign. I love this film.)

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